In Part 2, we talked about the the layout of the kalimba and how the keys on a piano translate to a standard kalimba layout. Now, we’re going to talk about chords.
Caring for Your Kalimba
Hello friends and fellow kalimbaphiles and kalimbistas! In this post, we’re going to explore an important but oft-overlooked aspect of owning a kalimba, and that’s caring for it. About This Guide The kalimba may have rich and storied origins, but the modern format of it is relatively new, and unlike other wooden instruments, not much …
Music Theory Basics 2
Updated June 2021. Somehow, the pictures all unlinked. I have no idea what happened (possibly from a software update?), but it should be all fixed now. Sorry about that! Please note: In an effort to keep the content “clean” and simplified, this post contains modified footnotes, which are used for additional information, not for references. …
Free Kalimba Exercises
UPDATE: All PDF files have been relinked. Apologies for the previous errors! Just as with most instruments, practice is the best way to improve. Here are several exercises you can use to move beyond the basics. Don’t get us wrong – we love Twinkle Twinkle Little Star just as much as the next person! But …
Using Magnets for Temporary Tuning
Here’s a clever tip that most people aren’t aware of. 🙂 Want to play a song on your kalimba, but there’s just one note that you can’t play? All hope may not be lost! Find a tine you won’t be using for the song that is higher in pitch than the note you need, then …
Mini Review – Gecko K-8CM
Here’s a mini review for a mini kalimba! The K-8CM is an interesting little piece. Small, very portable. It’s about 7.5 cm (3 inches) wide by 10.5 cm (4.25 inches) long and 2 cm (0.75 inches) thick. It’s pretty small! It comes with a nice little tassel (usually in a random color) and has a …
Song Resources
We’ll be adding to this post as we find them, so keep an eye on the date updated! Know any resources we’re missing? Let us know! Beginner Tabs Sites that specialize in music for beginners. (Not all of these songs are playable on a standard kalimba, but most are. You may have to transpose …
Free Kalimba Tabs Template for Gecko K17NOTE
Here is a free kalimba tabs template to use that is suitable for the Gecko K17NOTE. Feel free to copy to your own drive and edit and/or print as needed. This template is, of course, based on the Ktabs format created by Mark Holdaway of Kalimba Magic. More templates are forthcoming. Stay tuned. Enjoy! Get …
Review – Mugig 10-Key Kalimba
Here is a video review of the Mugig 10-key kalimba. Although it’s currently showing out of stock (naturally), you can still see the listing on Amazon. Are we saying it correctly, like “moo-gig”? No idea. But it’s a cute little kalimba.
Kalimba Buying Guide
In this guide, we’re going to explore the different aspects of common kalimbas to help you decide which one (or more!) is the right one for you. You might be asking, “What is the best kalimba?” The answer to that question is “the kalimba that you enjoy playing”. We have our own preferences, but taste …